



The High Cost of Automatic Transmission Repair:

Today's high cost of living and lets face it, who has an extra $2,500.00 - $3,500.00 just laying around to have an automatic transmission rebuilt ? The E4OD Free Tips eBbook has been produced to help the very people who can't afford the high cost of automatic transmission repair. We hope the E4OD Free Tips eBook will help you save a lot of money

Now, please don't think that every transmission can be fixed short of a rebuild or that every shop is just ripping off customers as there are a lot of costs associated to operating this kind of business. With that said though, lets consider what you get when you spend $2,500 - $3,500 for an E4OD rebuild. You usually get a 12,000 mile warranty and maybe with 1 year.

If you are the backyard or even experienced auto mechanic who has never done a rebuild on an automatic transmission and wonder if you can. Well, I know you can if you take your time to insure that you have researched the proper procedures and updates needed to make your E4OD better than new. Now, I want to be very honest about one thing concerning this E4OD Electronically controlled transmission and that is, its a very precise complicated design that if one ball or spring or plate is not correctly installed your rebuild will end in epic failure. The reality is that if you don't have a lot of extra time to learn the what, why and if's of this rebuild project, it is best left to a professional.

What you will find inside this ebook:

You will find tips, specifications and pictures of the E4OD internal components and sub-units in this ebook. Although this ebook is not meant to be a rebuild manual, a person who has already overhauled an automatic transmission could use this ebook to teardown and reassemble the E4OD transmission. So if that is you, by all means, feel free to use our ebook to overhaul an E4OD. And when you are done let us know if this ebook made the job any easier.

E4OD Free Tips ebook is provided, just as it says, " Free " and without charge. This ebook does not contain all the necessary to successfully rebuild an E4OD transmission properly. We are currently working on a E4OD Rebuild ebook (Jan 2015) and hope to have it done sometime in June 2015.